Seiko ST767 Chromatic Tuner - Used
Great professional chromatic tuner. Perfect working condition with some scratches on backside.
The Seiko ST767...
The Seiko ST767 features auto and manual modes;
a 7 octave A0-C8 tuning range;
410-450Hz pitch shift, fine-quality, wide LCD;
+/- 50 cent analog meter;
comprehensive LED indicators;
transpose function;
auto power off;
memory backup;
built-in mic;
B-Bb for guitar and bass mode...in short...superb.
The Seiko ST767 Auto Chromatic Tuner Features:
Mode: Auto, Manual (rotational guitar, bass and chromatic)
Tuning Range: A0
The Seiko ST767 has become a highly sought after Tuner. As we said, Google it and you will soon see why. Incredible range and accuracy, versatility, reliability and scarcity have made the Seiko ST767 an unsung icon in the Professional music World.
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